Although the tasks are not supposed to be directed toward any brand or product, some of the writing assignments a search engine optimization (SEO) writer gets can be very specific. Anyone who has ever written organic content for an SEO company knows that the topics can be both diverse and dynamic. The role of an organic content creator, though, is to generate engaging writing, no matter the topic. To succeed in these endeavors requires a writer to be flexible. When assigned a topic that is familiar it is often very effective to reflect on specific personal experiences to draw in online readers. When assigned a topic that a writer is unfamiliar with, it is important to look over the provided facts, get up to speed as soon as possible, and complete the task, allowing time to move on the next, hopefully more familiar, topic.
Search engine marketing looks to be a driving factor in the advertising methods that many companies rely on. From small gift boutiques in local strip malls to large big box stores with locations across the country, no business will succeed today if it is not making use of the latest digital marketing strategies. From push notifications to social media posts that encourage frequent interactions, there are a variety of methods that search engine marketing team employ in their efforts to help clients succeed.
Social Media Marketing Plans Offer Several Advantages to Companies of All Size
If you are reading this article on a laptop, a tablet, or a phone, then it surely will come as no surprise to you that nearly 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. Whether you are trying to decide where to eat dinner while on vacation or what is the best time of the day to visit your local zoo, you likely turn to a search engine for help. For this reason, it is important to contract with a search engine marketing team that can help your business show up as not only an option, but one of the top options.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many ways that social media marketing benefits businesses both large and small:
- 72% of adult internet users use Facebook, acording to the Pew Research Center.
- Approximately 70% of the links search users click on are organic.
- 75% of SEO occurs off-page, while only 25% occur on-page.
- Including messaging apps, private browsing and email, 70% of online referrals come from dark, or user to user, social networking.
- Google receives more than 100 billion searches each month.
- Nearly 53% of marketers cite blog content creation as their number one inbound marketing priority.
If you are interested in writing about a variety of topics, search engine marketing might be the field for you. And if your business is looking for a way to boost sales and name recognition, contracting with a digital marketing team might be the answer.