In a time when Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg deals with the headlines and charges that his social media site may have influenced the 2016 Presidential race, it is difficult to ignore the significance of a top digital marketing agency. In fact, as Zuckerberg defends his platform, while at the same time finds a way to make decisions about checking the credibility of the Facebook posts that go viral even when they are untrue, the nation may again redefine the role of a digital marketing agency in today’s digital world.
And while we all know that the paid search engine results are often what drive the consumers, how will future contracts with a top digital marketing agency demand not only the quantity of posts needed, but also the quality? Can the search engine optimization trends that directed a large or small digital marketing agency before the election of 2016 function the same way after the election of 2016?
As consumers continue to grow more savvy about the news that they decide to follow, it will grow increasingly important that the social media marketing strategy of the top digital marketing agencies emphasize their efforts to present fact based content. In fact, it may be possible that the objective research that is needed to present both sides of a story will become even more important. And while consumers may already know to look at the top results from any search engine with a careful eye, those top listings that actually pay for the top writers to create their content may continue to grow even more.
How Can a Digital Marketing Agency Help Your Business?
Today’s digital world requires that companies find a way to have a social media presence. No longer the platform for high school and college age students as much as the platform for their parents, social media sites continue to drive consumers to products and services, but those consumers may continue to be more discerning about the content that they consume. For this reason, it may be even more important that your business, no matter the size, demands the best organic content from its marketing agency. And while many marketing agencies may continue to promote their cloud services and and website hosting platforms, they will also have to provide more content that is both researched and reliable.
With more than 4.49 billion webpages in the world today, businesses will need to continue to compete at the highest levels, but that competition may include more organic content rather than generic content. If, for instance, your small business features brightly colored popular door hangers created by a local artist, your customers may expect to learn more about the artist in cleverly written pieces that are specific to the products you offer at your shop. On the other hand, if your business provides the safe destruction of information through a paper shredding service, your customers might demand content that focuses on the specifics of your company’s security measures.
Making Your Message Stand Out from Today’s Digital Explosion Takes Time and Talent
We are a society that likes to stay connected and consumers want to feel a personal connection to the businesses where they shop. Digital marketing agencies can provide the vastness of unlimited cloud storage options while at the same time creating specific content with a narrow focus that highlights what makes your products and services more unique and reliable than your competitors.
Almost all research indicates that as many as 44% of online shoppers begin their experience by using a search engine. The results of those search engine visits will obviously influence where the consumer focuses his or her attention. One of the best ways to capture that attention is to provide a constant source of engaging content that is easily digested and consumed. Cleverly written pieces about the products and services or detailed experiences of current customers can provide the basis for this organic content, but unique pieces carry wait as well.
Demanding your digital marketing team spend time with your staff getting to know the services and products that you offer is an excellent first step. Marketing companies that invest the time to get to know their clients will do a better job of representing their customers.