What makes PCB fabrication one of the best technical options around? The answer is simple. With technology advancing at a rapid rate and the following expectations shifting dramatically for businesses and customers alike, staying atop the best prototype circuit boards is the key to continued success. Multiple methods have cropped up with the new wave of demand and have established themselves as the ideal construction and assembly method for quality circuit boards around the country, ranging from smart printing settings to reliable materials. Let’s take a look at PCB fabrication, how it works and why you should consider it for your engineering or programming industries.
Economic Outlook
The future for PCB fabrication is a bright one indeed. The world market for PCBs, for example, reached nearly $60 billion in the year 2012 alone. This steady 2% growth shows no signs of slowing down, according to IPC’s World PCB Production Report. Common complaints with many customers concerning circuit boards include flimsy materials and inaccurate printing, leading to many a refund down the road. Creating a printed circuit board requires a combination of computer-aided layouts and ideal printing methods. It starts off with assembly, moves to construction and is rounded out with protection and printing.
Assembly is the first step of any production model and, as such, must provide a consistent foundation for the future. As of now there are two known methods used for assembling printed circuit boards — the first one is known as ‘surface mount assembly’, with the other called ‘through hole construction’. Neither method is better than the other and are used for different purposes to achieve different ends. Each board is designed for its own use and, therefore, must be the absolutely perfect size to fit in the required space. Board designers use computer-aided design to ensure accuracy in the circuit design board layout.
The second step that comes along is construction. Although there are many different technologies to choose from when crafting printed circuit board prototypes, there are still three very popular methods of board construction — single-sided, double-sided and multi-layered. They function by electrically connecting to circuits by the two aforementioned techniques of through hole and surface mount. The two other types of circuit assemblies include an integrated circuit (also known as a microchip) and a hybrid circuit.
Last, but not least, the materials used to insulate and protect the final product. FR-4 glass epoxy is considered a primary substrate on which the majority of PCBs are created. Copper foil is etched and printed onto these boards in multiple layers, though is not the only material used. Used to create a uniform thickness and sturdiness to the final product, laminates are manufactured by curing under pressure and temperature layers of either cloth or paper with thermoset resin. These can be as large as 4 by 8 feet in both width and length. All of these reasons and more are why PCB fabrication has risen to the top of most technologically oriented fields.
Benefits Of PCB Fabrication
Customers know what they want. Failing to provide a consistent quality service can see your products under-performing, client base shrinking and your business going under. Thankfully, implementing quality circuit board prototyping has never been easier. With PCB fabrication you have all your basics covered, from accuracy to strong materials, to create reliably printed circuit boards in bulk. Using switch settings and test points alongside traditional ink jet printing will help immensely in the printing and testing stage. How can you improve your PCB assembly, construction and printing methods?