This video is to inform viewers about the tools they need to perform a desktop repair. Our computers are important to us. They help us get things done on a daily basis and have even proven to be more helpful over the past three years with the pandemic.
Our computers help us communicate, work, have fun with video games, get school work done, and many more possibilities. But at the end of the day, computers are machines, and machines are proven to break down sometimes through regular wear and tear. when it comes to getting a desktop repair, you can either get it fixed by professionals, which is recommended if you know nothing about computers or technology, or you can fix it yourself. Either way, there are tools that you or the professionals will need in order to get the job done.
There is also a list of items for desktop repair that are not in this video that was recommended by other people as well: Duckbill pliers.
Large rubber mallet.
Metal HVAC tape.
30-day painter’s blue tape.
Self-stick velcro strips.
Micro Lube stick.
Mother’s metal polish and Armor-al.
Denatured Alcohol and WD40.
Heavy-duty paper shop towels.
Tack hammer.
Molex power 4 pin to SATA conversion cables.
Nail files.
Heat shrink tubes.
So very correct to cover Vid ports the owner isn’t going to use.
Air compressor, and a filtered negative air chamber to blow out dust.