Another year end frenzy is approaching. As more and more people are getting ready to prepare their end of year taxes, there is a push for making sure that digital documents can make all of these filings more convenient. With the latest document scanning and imaging services, an increasing number of companies are able to shred space taking papers and instead rely on digital filings.
Finding the right way to maintain financial records is important, but so is finding a way to make sure that there are ways to avoid an increased number of papers files. With the use of the latest document scanning and imaging services there are a number of ways that both individuals and companies can help limit the amount of paper that is used.
Document Digitization Services Offer a Way for Financial Services to Limit the Use of Paper
From large format scanning services to the latest service that scans on site, there are a number of ways that companies can make the move to digital financial records. With the use of digital scanning services, in fact, both large and small companies can limit the amount of onsite storage that they have, as well as reduce the risk losing paper documents to wither fire or flood.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the benefits of the latest document scanning and imaging services:
We live in a digital age, but it is important to realize that there are still too many offices that rely on old fashioned paper documents. In an effort to modernize their offices, however, a number of companies are looking at ways to make sure that they are moving toward a more digital approach. Consider these statistics about the way that document scanning and imaging services can help make an office more efficient and more environmentally friendly:
- 77% of business owners want to be able to access files remotely, so they are looking for ways to digitize their office.
- 92% of knowledge workers collaborate over documents through the use of email services.
- There are more than 4 trillion paper documents in America alone and they are growing at a rate of 22% a year.
- A survey of global workers and IT professionals by IDC indicates that document challenges account for 21.3% of loss in productivity.
- Users send and receive an average of 133 e-mail messages every single day.
- It takes an average of five minutes to walk to the filing cabinet, find a document, do what is needed with it, and then return it.
The end of the year is a time when both individuals and families wrap up their financial records. With the use of digital files many of these end of the year tasks can be more efficient.