Commercial properties tend to be more power-hungry compared to residential ones; that’s why hiring commercial electrical service companies is the best way to go about it. Besides requiring a substantial amount of power, installing electrical lines tends to be more complex and tedious work.
Here’s what goes through an underground electrical services company on commercial property:
In most cases, underground electrical wiring starts from the power poles down to the white conduit and into the ground.
It goes through the transformer from the underground wires, and the electrical wires will be buried underground and into the commercial building. Inside the building, the buried underground wires go into a plastic conduit and into the disconnect of the commercial building.
From the disconnect, in this case, the 600 volts, 3-phase 400amps disconnect. Electrical wires go through the CT cabinet from the disconnect – an integral part of an electrical metering system. A CT cabinet is needed because commercial properties deal with high levels of voltages and amperage; that’s one of the reasons why commercial electrical services install a CT cabinet as it needs to be specially metered.
From the CT Cabinet, it then goes through the electrical panel wherein it utilizes all the power provided by the transformer coming from the power poles. It then goes through another transformer from the electrical panel, which will feed the entire voltage to the commercial property.