Across a plethora of industries, there’s an emphasis on building customer loyalty — and it’s easy to understand why. Research conducted by Bain and Company and Earl Sasser of the Harvard Business School found that boosting customer loyalty, along with a modest 5% increase […]
4 Benefits of Marketing Analytics for Businesses
If you want your company to gain an advantage, it’s best to focus on important metrics. Unfortunately, many companies aren’t obtaining this advantage. Whether using outdated marketing tools or focusing on the wrong metrics, it’s important to fix these problems. Considering that, it’s common for […]
The Path of Technology
After things happen, we tend to take it for granted that they already did. That might sound a little confusing, so let’s clarify for a second. The phrase hindsight is twenty twenty is a good introduction to this idea. Say, for a second, that we […]
Facts On Backlinks
Over the past decade, the world of technology and the internet has absolutely exploded. Now, businesses value social media, website design services, and web design tactics. Thus, backlinks are now more popular than ever and have more value than ever before for businesses. According to […]
Must-Have Online Tools Every Real Estate Agent Should Be Using
With today’s technology, homebuyers are expecting a seamless process of finding a home from start to finish. This is especially true seeing as how the National Association of Realtors shows that 56% of buyers 36 years old and younger successfully found their homes using the […]
How SEO, Blogging and Social Media Can Help Your Company
Billions of people have access to the Internet and at any given moment thousands of search inquiries are made. More and more, search engines are the top driver of traffic to content related websites. More than 100 billion search engine inquiries are conducted worldwide every […]
3 Popular Industries for Thermoformed Plastics
There are a wide array of packaging jobs that cater to several industries. Statistics show that the flexible packaging industry alone employs nearly 79,000 individuals. Another popular type of packaging is that made with thermoplastics. These types of plastics offer many types of advantages for […]
Text Analytics Remains an Important Marketing Tool for Companies of All Sizes
Every single keystroke that you make can provide marketing data. Every single search you initiate on your phone can serve as a future piece of information that marketers use to connect you with the products that they think you will like the most. From name […]
The Importance of Continually Coaching Executives
Many businesses partner with executive search firms in order to learn how to find the right talent. It’s important to partner with an executive search consultant service in order to grow your business effectively. This includes minimizing problems related to quitting employees. In fact, statistics […]
Paid Vacation, Employee Retention, and Everything In Between
One of the most important parts of running a successful business is keeping employees happy. This is the best way to make sure employees stay with your company as opposed to leaving. This is important because so many businesses lose out on a large amount […]